Pinnacle Dog Sports is proud to announce the collaboration with DoubleTree Hotel
Looking for a place to hold a Breed Club Specialty or National Event??
With Sawmill Creek being sold, clubs are no longer able to hold breed specialties there, DoubleTree has partnered with Pinnacle Dog Sports and Medina Kennel Club to provide a convenient location for these events.
DoubleTree is conveniently located at 1100 Crocker Road (next door to Pinnacle Dog Sports).
o 267 hotel rooms (all with Fridge and Microwaves).
o 6,000 SQ FT Ballroom.
o Plenty of parking and sufficient potty area outside for dogs.
o Catering on the premises is available for banquets, award ceremonies and all dog show specialty needs.
- Conformation, Obedience and Rally will be held at
- Agility will be held at Pinnacle Dog Sports.
- All outdoor activities will be held at Medina Kennel
Club (and possibly Oberlin).
- DoubleTree has also agreed to offer a shuttle bus
service from the hotel to Pinnacle (humans and
Contact Information:
- Breed specialty at DoubleTree: contact Kim Barker at (440) 617-2361.
- Agility: contact Helen Kurz at (216) 337-5733.
- Outdoor activities: contact Cindy McNellie at (330) 241-9261.
Sweeties Golfland at 7760 Victory Lane in North Ridgeville, OH provides an official DockDogs Sanctioned Facility in Northeast Ohio for experienced and novice jumpers. (Sweeties Golfland is only 7.5 miles (or a 15 minute drive) from Pinnacle).
When we obtain more information about Sweeties and DockDogs availability we will publish it here.