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In order to keep this facility looking beautiful, clean and new, we all need to follow the rules below. Please read. Thanks.


1. All dogs must be kept on leash both inside and outside of the building unless running a course.

2. No barking/unruly/aggressive dogs will be permitted in class.

3. All dogs will be crated or x-penned in the small agility room on rubber matting. No one is to crate on the field turf.

4. Please place all water bowls on the rubber matting, not on the field turf.

5. If using Pinnacle crates, please clean the crate after use – spray and paper towels are provided.

6. In order to keep our turf clean, we are asking that on rainy or snowy days, you bring a change of shoes. Dry shoes can be used to run on the turf.

7. Dog potty area – is in the back, on the side of the building, on pea gravel

    a) Boy dogs – there is a pee stump in the potty area to use; please do NOT use the sides of the building.

    b) Everyone is expected to clean up after his/her own dogs – no exceptions.

    c) Anyone not cleaning up will get one warning – and a charge of $10.00. Second warning – don’t make me go there!!!

    d) Dogs are NOT permitted to pee on the shrubs in front of the building; there are only 8 suites in this unit…Pinnacle has only two of them. We do not want owners of the other suites to dislike us or complain.

8. Dogs relieving themselves on the turf due to negligence of owner will be charged $10.00 towards professional cleaning.

9. Puppy Classes – owners need to take puppies out to relieve themselves at least 2-3 times during the hour.

10. Water and/or pop will be available in the refrigerator at 50 cents each.

11. All students must sign a release form good for one year.

Please Note: While we want to be fair to everyone, because of the turf and padding underneath, bitches in season may not attend classes during their season. We have an active sub list for the Masters classes and Judy Hiller can supply this for your assistance in finding a sub for your spot. Also, please note that the pole in the middle of the floor is not a pee pole. Please do not allow your male dogs to relieve themselves on it for any reason.

Thanks for your help in keeping PDS clean and safe.

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